Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Portage:KIDS Home Learning

KIDS is a brilliant organisation and I have been privleged to know them for all the time I have been a QTVI. I work closely with the KIDS organisation and do joint visits to visually impaired babies. They are a brilliant group and manage to make weekly home visits to help the child to develop. Here is some information on the organisation. 

Home Learning and Portage is an early education intervention programme that recognises parents as the main educators for their child. The service is for disabled children 0-5 (mainly pre nursery stage) or whose development is causing concern. In partnership with parents they plan individual programmes for each child. Visits are made, weekly or fortnightly; toys and equipment are left for the family to work on during the week. The activities are based on the toys and equipment. They focus on encouraging the child to reach the next stage of their development. All achievements large or small are celebrated! 

KIDS is 40 years old this year! 
Celebrating 40 years of enabling disabled children and their families to enjoy their lives KIDS' vision is a world in which all disabled children and young people realise their aspirations and their right to an inclusive community which supports them and their families. 

Early Years 
The Children Centre programme set out by the government is planned to be the main way that parents and carers can access support, advice and services for their family. As part of this plan KIDS provide a range of specialist support for families with a disabled child. This support can be practical, advisory or just pointing you in the right direction for further information. They work closely with other colleagues in these Centres so are able to link you with people who can provide a wide range of other services should this be needed. 

Work falls into several areas: 
Direct work with disabled children
This includes home learning (Portage) services for very young disabled children, specialist nurseries and crèches, integrated support within Children’s Centres, short breaks for disabled children, both community based and residential, playgrounds and play schemes. 

Direct work with disabled young people 
This includes specialist youth groups (including drama groups), short breaks for disabled young people, both community based and residential, transition support and the national Youth Inclusion Network. 

Support for parents of disabled children and young people 
This includes Parent Partnership Services, parent forums, training for parents (eg Makaton), key working and our London SEN Mediation Service. 

Support for siblings of disabled children and young carers 
This includes sibling groups, young carers' groups and the inclusion of siblings in KIDS playgrounds Training, information and support for professionals and organisations This work includes the Making it Personal project; the National Development Department's Centre of Excellence, Inclusion into Practice, Training and Consultancy and KIDS eLearning teams; the KIDS West Midlands Inclusion Development Service; their Publications and Guidance and Useful resources; and work with their Partners. 

KIDS Regions: 
KIDS East. KIDS services in the East are based in Hertfordshire and Peterborough. KIDS East and West Hubs offer information and support to parents and carers of disabled children and young people across Hertfordshire. 
KIDS East Midlands. KIDS has merged with Strut in the Community who work in Lincolnshire. 
KIDS London. KIDS' London region provides a wide range of direct support services for disabled children, young people and their families. We are currently involved in the following projects: • Adventure playgrounds • Home learning (Portage) • Home-based short breaks (Respite) • Sibling support groups • Young carers support groups • Key working • Advice and information for parents • Parent Partnership Service • Mediation 
KIDS North East KIDS has a direct short breaks service located in Gateshead 
KIDS North West. KIDS work in partnership with Blackburn with Darwen to transform short break services in the local area Click here to visit the North West site KIDS South East KIDS South East supports families living in Hampshire, Kent, Medway and Bracknell Forest 
KIDS South West. KIDS South West provides services for families living in South Gloucestershire.
KIDS West Midlands. KIDS West Midlands provides services for families living in Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Warwickshire and Walsall. 
KIDS Yorkshire and The Humber. KIDS Yorkshire and The Humber provides services for families living in Hull, Wakefield and the East Riding of Yorkshire Click here to visit the 

Yorkshire site KIDS needs stars! 
Looking for a way to get involved with KIDS' work and to lend your time, skills and knowledge to a worthwhile cause? KIDS is always in need of volunteers across its regions and more information about the opportunities that you can get involved in are listed below. 

Join a Committee 
KIDS organises corporate, community and special fundraising events throughout the year. If you would like to find out more or to join a committee please get in touch with Nikki Arminio, Events & Donor Development Manager on 020 7359 3635 or 

Company Team Challenge Volunteering 
Are you and your company looking for a challenge? To get out of the office for a day and get stuck in outdoors, making the difference where it counts? If so, then why not Volunteer for KIDS at one of our four inclusive Adventure Playgrounds across London. For more information contact 
Individual Skilled Volunteers KIDS is looking for professional painters, electricians, carpenters, architects, toy makers and plumbers to lend their skills to KIDS Playgrounds in exchange for a cup of tea and a feel-good challenge. 
If you’ve Got the KIDS Factor contact for more information. Individual Fundraising Volunteers Contact 

Individual Volunteers in KIDS Region
All KIDS Regions need volunteers so why not find out a bit more about the opportunities available below or get in touch with your regional co-ordinator to get supporting KIDS today? 

London Stars – KIDS office in London is currently not recruiting any volunteers South East Stars - contact Stars in The Midlands - contact Stars in Yorkshire & The Humber - contact: (weekly outreach play sessions) (Fundraising)

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