Simulating the way she sees
Over the years I have done numerous training sessions in venues such as schools and more recently online, on the topic of supporting the child with impaired vision with a whole range of professionals and parents and carers. One essential part of the training is always using the so-called sim-specs. It is possible to give anyone a rough idea of what it is like to have, for instance, a restricted field of vision (sometimes called ‘tunnel vision’) by putting on a pair of sim-specs. Then wearing these as the person tries out the activities and tries to walk around they have a sort of idea what it is like for the child. It is far more difficult to ‘simulate’ an impairment of vision caused by different areas of the brain rather than the eye itself. We are of course talking about cerebral visual impairment or as it is sometimes called cortical visual impairment.
Simulate This
If only I could make you see
How even half my world appears to me
If I could only just describe
Precisely how my eyes
Send signals to my brain
Then it would be plain
How different my world is from yours.
You see, the problem’s not my eyes,
It’s the axons and the cells
The connecting bits inside
I may seem to have good sight
But deep within my skull,
Buried in this shell
Is a mesh of lanes and lines
And there’s something not quite right
In the tangled strands of white
The stuff that’s wrapped in myelin
Try smearing Vaseline
On the centre of your specs
Now roll up a newspaper
And notice the effect
As you peer through the hole
What you see is imperfect
It’s a narrow, murky world
Now try looking through one eye
And cover up one side
Can you now understand
What it’s like to be a person
With a sight impaired condition
And that’s less than half my world
And it’s still not what I see
Try blinking slowly,
So half the world is dark
And the other half is light
I’ll tell you what it’s like
Your sight becomes disjointed,
Your vision interrupted,
Things appear and disappear
You’re missing half the world
So of course, you’re in a whirl
Wear sun glasses indoors
And switch the house lights off
Watch how the room becomes
Confusing and obscure
Note how it makes you feel
Afraid and insecure
And that’s still less than half my world
And it’s still not what I see
Try out the sim specs,
Tunnel vision, and RP
Hemianopia and myopia
What exactly do you see?
You see something that resembles
What’s happening to me
But it’s still less than half my world
And it’s still not what I see
It’s hard to grasp I know;
It’s still a mystery
I cannot see like you
And you cannot see like me
All I ask for please, is
A bowl of empathy
Just try to see the world
As it is to me.
© MJ Sparrow 2022
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